Thursday, 26 June 2014

Lights, Camera, Action!

Rosebank School has been invited  to  take part in a documentary on “School, Food and Garden”  being  filed  by  Robina  McCurdy  who  is  a  facilitator  with  a  special  interest  in permaculture and communities.

This  was  a  wonderful  opportunity  for  the  children  of  Room  28  to  have  such  an interesting experience.  The children of Room 28 deserve lots of credit for all their hard work and success in our garden. 

Room 28 children were excited to be filmed.   They all felt like superstars.    Here are some photos of Room 28 being filmed.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Today we learnt how to make butter.  Just like they did in the olden days.

First we had to measure 300ml of liquid cream into an air tight jar.  Rahil made sure not to spill any. Sophie dropped the marble into the jar.  We tighten the lid tight.

Next we took turns shaking the jar of cream. 
We shook…

..And shook…

Finally we had a big solid lump of butter called curd and a water liquid called buttermilk.  

Can you see the butter forming?

We shook again..                     and shook more...     
Finally we had a hard lump of butter.

We are going to leave this in the fridge over night and have this with crackers the next day.  Keep checking back to this post for more update.


Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Science in a Van

We had a great science experience with this visit. 

On the 9th June the year 5-6 students had a lot of fun learning about why vinegar and baking soda makes an eruption. The year 3-4 students learnt about bubbles and mixtures. Alan and Emily taught us all about solids, liquids, and gasses.  We were introduced to the periodic table of elements, and they even tipped water on Miss Hemehema's head!  Well kind of...