Throughout the year your homework will be added to
this page. Homework will not be set each week, but rather each task will have a
set time frame. Task length may vary from a few days to a few weeks.
Hopefully these tasks will be engaging, worthwhile
and an opportunity to share what you have learnt with your families.
Happy Homework - Mrs Singh
Remember to bring your homework book on Friday!
Term 3
Week 5
Week 4
Animal Adaptation
A list of animal/plant adaptations:
-I have a layer of fat under my fur to keep me warm.
-My feathers help me to be waterproof.
-I have a waxy coating to help stop evaporation.
-I can survive without water for a long time
-I’m the same colour as my environment to keep me camouflaged
-I have sharp teeth to tear and bite my prey
-I have long eyelashes to keep out the sand.
-I have sharp spikes to protect me
-I have thick fur to keep me warm
-I have wide feet for walking on difficult ground.
-I have long roots to help me find water and minerals
-I have a hump to store fat for long periods without food.
-I have nostrils which I can close in a sandstorm
-I have gills to breath under water
-I have excellent hearing and eyesight to help me spot predators and prey.
-I have a streamlined body to help me move quickly.
-I have webbed feet to help me swim through water
-I have large ears to keep me cool.
-I have fins to propel myself through the water
-I have a layer of fat under my fur to keep me warm.
-My feathers help me to be waterproof.
-I have a waxy coating to help stop evaporation.
-I can survive without water for a long time
-I’m the same colour as my environment to keep me camouflaged
-I have sharp teeth to tear and bite my prey
-I have long eyelashes to keep out the sand.
-I have sharp spikes to protect me
-I have thick fur to keep me warm
-I have wide feet for walking on difficult ground.
-I have long roots to help me find water and minerals
-I have a hump to store fat for long periods without food.
-I have nostrils which I can close in a sandstorm
-I have gills to breath under water
-I have excellent hearing and eyesight to help me spot predators and prey.
-I have a streamlined body to help me move quickly.
-I have webbed feet to help me swim through water
-I have large ears to keep me cool.
-I have fins to propel myself through the water
Create as many words as you can by using
letters from the words:
One Hundred Days of School
Challenge: What is the longest word that you can
make? Score 1 point for each letter in your words. Can you get past 100 points?
Personal Learning
Use your ‘Red Hat’ to
tell someone how you feel about your new topic for this term and why you feel
this way. Comment on blog page.
Your speeches are due
on Thursday so make sure you are ready.
Also bring in your
Zoo consent forms and $2 for First Aid.
Week 3
Crossing the
Four friends need to cross a bridge.
They start on the same side of the bridge.
A maximum of two people can cross at any time.
It is night and they have just one lamp.
People that cross the bridge must carry the lamp to see the way.
A pair must walk together at the rate of the slower person:
They start on the same side of the bridge.
A maximum of two people can cross at any time.
It is night and they have just one lamp.
People that cross the bridge must carry the lamp to see the way.
A pair must walk together at the rate of the slower person:
- Rachel: - takes 1 minute to cross
- Ben: - takes 2 minutes to cross
- George: - takes 7 minutes to cross
- Yvonne: - takes 10 minutes to cross
The second fastest solution gets the
friends across in 21 minutes.
The fastest takes 17 minutes. Can you
work out how it is done?
Try the link below to get your answer.
Read for at least 10 minutes every day. Fill in your Reading Log with the date, the title, the pages and a comment.
Word Work
Practise your spelling words each night. Write a paragraph that includes as many of your words as you can.
an article in a newspaper. Glue it into
your homework book. Make a list of the
key facts found in that article. Write a
short comment on the article. Highlight
any proper nouns you find in the article.
Week 2
the newspaper and find an article that interests you. Write an explanation
about the article.
made it interesting for you?
was involved?
did the event affect other people?
out the article and glue it in with your homework.
Words that sound the same but have different meanings
a sentence for each homonym showing the word in the correct context.
Father farther
Flea flee Feat
feet Coarse course
Managing Impulsivity
People who manage their impulsiveness
think before they act. They strive to clarify and understand directions; they
develop a plan and consider alternatives and consequences before taking action.
They listen to alternative points of view.
• Write about all the times you want
things immediately, or rush off to do a task before you really understand what
you are doing.
• What do you think you can do to improve your impulsivity?
Write the next 3 numbers in the sequences.
1. 2, 4, 6, 8, __, __, __,
2. 7, 10, 13, 16, __, __, __,
3. 21, 27, 33, 39, __, __, __,
4. 2, 4, 8, 16, __, __, __,
How many aliens are left on the spaceship?
Here are some clues to help you.....
1) 5 got off and stayed on Mars
2) 62 aliens stayed on the spaceship.
3) 15 more stayed on the moon.
4) The remaining amount of aliens is a multiple of 6
Week 1
Write the paragraphs below in your book, filling in the blanks, using the context clues to help you decide the correct words to use. It will be interesting to see how differently the paragraphs turn out.
The best _________ I ever had was spent at ________ on the banks of the _________. When I sat on the __________, I could hear the __________ whispering through the leaves of the __________. I listened as the day turned to _________ and heard the ________ of the ___________. I listened to the noise of my grandma __________ in the kitchen. I listened to the river. Sometimes it made a __________ noise, and others times it made a ___________ sound. __________ told me stories about it which made me laugh. I could hear them again and again. Of all the sounds I heard, his ______ was
the most soothing.
My friend __________ is spoiled! She seems to get whatever she wants. Whenever we go to the __________, she always orders a _________, and they give it to her for ___________. At home she is waiting on _________ and __________ and doesn’t have any_______ around the house. She even has her very own _______. Life would be so _______ if it were like that around my house.!
Week 9
There is no homework this week.
Week 8
This week is known as
Matariki and marks the beginning of the Maori New Year.
Matariki is the name
of the Pleiades star cluster and the season of its first rising in late May or
early June, which is taken as the beginning of the Maori new year.
Week 7
How many words can you make out of this word:
Maths: Learn your times tables
Make comments on the blogs within the school
Current Events
Watch the TV news or read the newspaper or news on the internet. Describe the event on a story board
A simile is a figure of speech which compares two completely different things. Example:
He runs like a cheetah
Complete these sentence starters so they are similies
I feel as hot as....
A smile is like a......
The cat’s tongue is like.....
Life is like....
His eyes were like....
I am as busy as....
My hands were as....
I look as tired as....
I feel as slippery as....
I feel as cold as....
Are you ready to map out your argument for you persuasive debate. Click on the link below to help you plan your persuasive debate.

Self – Assessment
Have I ....
Set out my main arguments clearly?
Introduced my arguments effectively?
Used my
conclusion to sum up my ideas?
Used paragraphs to organise my ideas?
Explained my arguments?
Included at least one opposing point of view & argued against
Week 4 Term 2
Should We Get a Class Pet
What’s your favourite animal? Think about it. I bet you already have one picked out. How much fun would it be to have that favourite animal as a pet in the classroom? Have you thought about what it would be like? Would this animal be difficult to take care of? Is it a normal house-hold animal? It’s alright if it is not a normal house-hold animal like a cat or dog, and it’s alright if it is. Think about how fun and exciting it would be to have this animal to play with at break times, take it for walks (or have it take you). Do you ride it around? Does it fly? Think of all these questions. Ask yourself more!
Your aim is to write a persuasive letter to Mrs Singh, asking her to adopt this animal as a classroom pet for Term 3.
waitangi day is the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, celebrated as a public holiday in New Zealand on 6 February since 1960,and is a agreement beetewen the europeans and the maori people.
the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, celebrated as a public holiday in New Zealand on 6 February since 1960.
ReplyDeleteWaitangi Day is the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, celebrated as a public holiday in New Zealand.
Waitangi day is a anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. celebrated as a public holiday in New Zealand on 6 of February. it was since 1960
ReplyDeleteWaitangi Day is a public holiday held on 6th February every year to commemorate the signing of New Zealand's founding document - the Treaty of Waitangi - in 1840.
ReplyDeleteOr else a simple understanding is also this
The signing of the Treaty of Waitangi is commemorated by a national holiday each year, known as Waitangi Day.
Official celebrations are held at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds in the Bay of Islands, Northland, but there are also many other events throughout the country.
In 1932, the grounds where the Treaty was first signed.
At the time, the relationship between Māori and European settlers was not particularly harmonious.
As most early rangatira also meaning a Maori chief or noble could not speak or understand English, the English version of the treaty was translated into Māori. However, there were variations in meaning between the two translations, and some obligations that the Treaty placed on the partners are still contentious.
The ultimate intention of the Treaty of Waitangi, from the Crown's perspective, was to protect Māori interests from the encroaching British settlement, to provide for British settlement and to establish a government to maintain peace and order.
The main point of Waitangi is land as it was land that the British and Maori people fought against for.
Waitangi Day celebrations happen all over New Zealand.
By – Yemima
The Treaty of Waitangi was signed between the Maori chiefs and the British government.This was signed on the 6th of February 1860. So we celebrate Waitangi Day on 6th February every year in New Zealand.
ReplyDeleteWeek 7 homework
ReplyDeleteI am nice,Talkative and respectful. I'm nice because I helpful. I'm talkative because i ask a lot of questions. I'm respectful because I respect the elders.
Week 7 homework
ReplyDeleteI am smart, honest and naughty. I am smart in mathematics. I am honest because if I lie I get caught. I am naughty because I don't pay attention in class
the quickest way that I found was to make the two fasts people to go first then the fasts person to go across and then the two slowest people go after that the second fasts go across gets the fasts and they go together
ReplyDeleteThe quickest way I did was to get 1 & 2 for them to cross then I get number 2 again to cross. After that I get 10 & 7 to cross then I get the number 2 again to cross. Then got 1 & 2 for them to cross that's how I got the quickest time.
ReplyDeleteWeek 4
ReplyDeleteRed ,On ,cool ,for.
I feel happy about the topic for this term because I always wanted to do something about adaption.