Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Glitter Words

Today Room 28 tried basil pesto.  We have been growing different varieties. Some of the varieties are cinnamon, Opal, lemon, and sweet basil.

These are the varieties we have at Rosebank School Garden.
Cinnamon Basil Cinnamon Basil
This basil variety has a delightful fragrance and spicy flavour. A beautiful, 25- to 30-inch-tall plant with dark-purple stems and flowers with small, glossy leaves
Dark Opal Basil Dark Opal Basil
Dark Opal basil adds colour.   Beautiful and spicy in a salad or garnish.

Lemon Basil Lemon Basil
This basil variety can be added to salads and fish dishes. A sprig of lemon basil in a glass of iced tea is delightful on a hot summer day. 

Sweet Basil Sweet Basil
This basil is best for making pesto. 

To make basil pesto you need:
Makes 1 ½ cups
  • 2 packed cups basil leaves
  • 2 large cloves garlic, crushed
  • ¾ cup good quality olive oil
  • ¼ cup grated parmesan cheese
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • Pinch of ground black pepper
  • ¼ cups toasted pine nuts (optional)
Puree all ingredients together in a food processor until smooth. Or pound with a mortar and pestle, adding oil once the mixture forms a find paste.
Store in the fridge for up to 2 weeks or freeze in small containers.

Here are Room 28 children enjoying their basil pesto on crackers.


Wednesday, 12 March 2014

If you could invent a gadget, what would it be?
I would like to know what gadget you would want to invent and why.
Here is something I found on the net while searching for wacky inventions.  This is a fun runny nose shower gel dispenser.  I thought this was gross and funny because all you have to do this squeeze the nose and the liquid soap will ooze out from the right nostril. 

Monday, 10 March 2014

Narrative Writing

Narrative tells a story and is used for entertaining the audience into thinking "I wonder what will happen next?  It has an orientation which includes: characters, setting, plot, problems the character faces and resolutions - how the problems are solved. They can be fictitious - not true and they can be based on real life situations. 

Learning Intention

I am learning to write a narrative, which entertains and holds the readers interest.

Success Criteria

I can write an orientation, (introduction) in which the characters, setting and time of the story are established. Usually answers who? when? where?

I can include / write a complication or problem that the main characters face.

I can include / write a resolution to the complication that the characters face in the narrative. The complication may be resolved for better or worse/happily or unhappily. Sometimes there are a number of complications that have to be resolved. These add and sustain interest and suspense for the reader. 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014


Yesterday the Year 5/6 team went out onto the field to be taught about inventions the person teaching us was called Patrick.

The first two inventions were an easy to set up version of volley ball and a hovercraft. Patrick invented the easy to set up version of volley ball. First the teachers gave it a go they could only serve the ball, they couldn’t hit the ball after it had been served. Then the kids played a game, we could only walk like crabs. 

Next he showed us the Hovercraft. He drove it around the field, he even drifted it! What was unique about the one he showed us is that it had a big tube around it to make it more stable on water and land. The teachers got a turn to ride it. I wish I did.

The next two inventions were a Yike bike and a Land yacht. A Yike bike is bike powered by a battery it can also fold up so it is very small. The teachers needed to set up the Yike bikes when Whaea Patricia finally got it set up she just about crashed into children because she was putting her finger on the accelerator. Patrick showed the adults how to ride them. Patrick told us that the Yike Bikes the bikes of the future.  

The best was when Miss Tohi was asked to be a experimental goat for the magic carpet ride that Patrick had invented.  We learnt that all inventions today safety was the first thing.  Miss Tohi had to put on a helmet before Patrick started up the engine.


By Dallas

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Our Green House

During the last few weeks we have had some unwanted visitors who have been damaging our school's greenhouse. Some people have been kicking in the sides of the green house. Mrs Martin had to order plywood which Mike our caretaker boarded up the sides.  We would just like to remind others that there is a security camera operating around the Rosebank School's Garden and we can see you.

Inventions Learning

WHAT IS AN INVENTION?  This was a question we asked ourselves today.  After a lot of discussion, we agreed that something that is common to all inventions is that an invention is MAN MADE.  Here is the brainstorm we made together:

 Something new to the world 
that can be good or bad

A design that has been made into 
something new that is man made

Something that might entertain us

Is something we want and need
to make our lives easy

Something that never existed

Something that could help us

An idea someone has thought
of and created.